From the anime series “Sakura Quest” comes a Nendoroid of the girl who serves as the “King” of the Chupakabura Kingdom – Yoshino Koharu! She comes with three face plates including a cheerful smile, a surprised expression as well as a cute chewing expression for when she fills her mouth with manjuu steamed buns.
Optional parts include a cape, crown and scepter, as well as the “sword in the stone” which can also be removed from the stone and held by Yoshino. One of the famous Chupakabura manjuu steamed buns is also included for her to enjoy – a huge selection of parts to bring out Yoshino’s personality and recreate your favorite scenes from the series! Be sure to add her to your collection!
Sculptor: Kazuyoshi Udono
Cooperation: Nendoron
Painted ABS&PVC non-scale figure with stand included. Approximately 100mm in height.
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